Make it unique and tailored
Built To Be Customized
Auto Chatbox is the most customizable chat and support system in the market.
License To Customize
Both regular and extended licenses provide you with
the legal rights to customize Auto Chatbox. You can
customize everything, including the full source code
and design.
License to edit source code and design
License valid for both regular and extended licenses
Clean and Well-Written Code
The Auto Chatbox PHP, JS and CSS code is well-
written, organized and documented to help you
understand it and keep you from wasting precious time.
The PHP docs will cover all the plugin and add-on
Documented code
Well-organized code
PHP, JS and CSS code
Developer docs
Built with the Latest Technologies
Auto Chatbox uses the latest PHP8 and JavaScript
ES6 features like JavaScript Classes, Default
Parameters, Arrow Functions, Template Literals and
more. The CSS is written in SASS.
The latest PHP7 features
The latest ES6 features
CSS built with SASS
Zapier Integrations
With Zapier you can easily connect Auto Chatbox to
multiple services that allow you to store chat
transcripts, create new contacts in your CRM, and much
more. Auto Chatbox supports 15+ triggers.
Connect Auto Chatbox with 3000+ apps
Supports for 15+ triggers